Friday, January 25, 2013

The Bible: Understanding Context for Accurate Application

"In studying the is easy to make the mistake of looking for immediate personal application without first considering what that book or passage meant in its original context, to its original audience. 
"For example, numerous passages throughout the Old Testament speak promises to the people of Israel. While God is no respecter of persons and can do the same for us as He did for them, the passage's primary meaning is found in its historical context. Most often, Scripture was written based on a specific situation, in response to immediate needs. 
"That explains why a passage may say something like, 'If you turn away from your idols of gold, I will rescue you,' rather than, 'If you get off of Facebook long enough to have a conversation with me, I will hear you.' 
"Addressing the historical context helps the reader better understand the primary significance of the passage, and ultimately empowers us to accurately glean the universal principles that apply to us today."
Reddy, Lisa. "How to Study the Bible." Pentecostal Herald (Hazelwood, MO). Vol. 88, No. 7 (July 2012), p 43 

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