Nearly all the pictures I post on this blog were taken by me or my husband. But this one is from Scott McGarvey. He and his wife Suzi also worked in Jordan. A couple of times, our appointments to Jordan overlapped theirs and we were able to minister with them. This road is not for the fainthearted, that is for sure!
In Jordan, when words are translated into English, they are often misspelled. I'm not being critical, though; their English is better than my Arabic! See if you can spot the mistranslations. Have fun!
The following explanation was on a plaque beside the artwork: "The Clover Map, drawn by Heinrich Bunting in 1585. Jerusalem is placed in the center of a large three-leaf clover resembling eyes, also comprised of the three continents of the old world. In the artist's vision, Jerusalem is depicted as a city of large structures and fortresses, as befitting an important and central city. Then, as now, Jerusalem shines forth like a precious jewel, drawing in nations, wishing to bask in her light, enjoy her beauty and dwell in her holiness. In due time she will serve as a beacon of peace to her neighbors and to the entire world." Designed and created in ceramic with traditional elements by the Jerusalem artist, Arman Darian, Safra Square, Jerusalem